
Halloween costume ideas for higher education wonks

Sure, every Halloween is going to inspire the same routine lineup of costumes — witches, pirates, superheroes, construction workers and anything that can have the adjective “sexy” put before it. But the holiday also brings topical costumes — the witty, newsworthy or ironic getups that only make sense for a finite amount of time.Plain knee length kurtas with straight pajamas and canada goose parka jacket looked elegant and wearable.He identified the shooter as a black man in his 20s with dreadlocks and wearing a duvetica down jackets.

How do we extend this to the world of higher education? For those of you looking to show off your nerdy collegiate side, here are some ideas:

Teresa Sullivan and Helen Dragas: It was an epic higher ed tale: The president of an elite, historic university founded by Thomas Jefferson was ousted by the leader of the governing board over a “philosophical difference of opinion.” And then reinstated without much of an in-depth explanation. And now they continue to work together. To pull this off, you will need: A friend, power suits, an ample supply of Jefferson quotes and protest posters with witty slogans that only those attending Jefferson’s university would understand. Hug a lot.

A MOOC: This buzzword stands for “massive open online course” and is the latest experiment with online education. To pull this off: I have no ideas. Good luck. Send me your pics.

University of Tennessee frat bros: I would recommend that you draw your inspiration for this costume from the stoic news conference that occurred after the party where a member allegedly butt-chugged wine and landed in the hospital with severe alcohol poisoning. Please don’t let your inspiration be that party. To pull this off: At least two dozen bros dressed in dark suits and sunglasses, plus statements.

An unemployed college graduate living at home with five-digit debt: Too depressing? Yeah, it is. Sorry. Never mind.

A breast-feeding professor: At the beginning of the semester, an American University anthropology professor brought her sick baby to the first day of class and briefly breast-fed while lecturing. After a student journalist raised questions, the professor published a strongly worded essay (“Exposéing My Breasts on the Internet”) that criticized the reporter. To pull this off: A sick baby, an AU wonk T-shirt and a print-out of the essay.

This Halloween, you could dress as a boring ghost or something equally as simple. Or even worse, you could buy one of those cheap costumes with the strings that tie in the back to hold it all together. You're a geek! Wouldn't it be better to create something a little more high tech and a lot more fun? How about a jellyfish that glows? Or an authentic-looking outfit from Tron?

Here are some high-tech Halloween ideas you could still pull off with a little elbow grease.

The financial cliff. This is a good costume for people who like to lurk in the corner of parties, looking ominous and saying nothing, coming ever closer while the others bicker over minutiae.

Higgs bosom. Like the Higgs boson, but sexier. Alternatively,In less than two weeks, canada goose jacket discount will transform an actor during a dress rehearsal of “Sweeney Todd.” create something out of nothing, using padding.

That woman you see on the subway reading 50 Shades of Grey. This figure haunts everyone’s nightmares.Their presentation revolved around fancy shirts with jeans, skirts, moncler jackets for sale and others. Midway through, glance up and smile slowly at the man holding onto the pole.

