
Will the real Honey Boo Boo please stand up? 11 Halloween fan costumes of star

Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson might be impressed with all the adults who have decided to enjoy Halloween dressed up as the young reality star. The Here Comes Honey Boo Boo family is hosting a contest that shares some of the looks of Honey Boo Boo that will be on the streets looking for Halloween.RadioShack Cycling While there isn’t any shortage of creativity, apparently the real Honey Boo Boo has some serious competition as over 500 people are confirmed on Sunday to be dressing like the reality star to head out for Halloween parties.cheap canada goose

“We already have almost 500 entered! WOW!” writes Honey Boo Boo on the official reality stars official Facebook page Sunday. “We really didn't expect this big of a turn-out.. who has amazing fans? WE DO!”
View slideshow: Best Honey Boo Boo costumes for Halloween 2012

The vast looks of Honey Boo Boo for Halloween might be surprising for those folks who know the show. From the simple pink gown and tiara to the more elaborate, there was plenty of originality in each costume. Also entertaining was all the different ages of the fans who decided to dress like the reality star. From 5 to 50, it was anyone’s chance to get sassy and fun!

Take a look at the photo slideshow of some of the best Honey Boo Boo’s Halloween costumes. Will the real Honey Boo Boo please stand up?

As a parent, you don't have much of a choice about participating in Halloween. The National Retail Federation estimates that over 170 million Americans are celebrating this year, and 33 percent of those people are taking kids trick-or-treating,canada goose parka jacket so you're in good company. The real question is what your kids -- and you -- will wear when you go door to door asking ever-so-sweetly for candy.

If you're scrambling for a last-minute idea (we're not judging!), consider one theme for the whole family. Whether you opt for nostalgia ("Back to the Future" anyone?) or a more modern Halloween trend like "The Hunger Games," here is a batch of amazing ideas for coordinated costuming.

You can’t eat or use the restroom without taking the suit off, but you can drink water in it because the fiber is so thin.

Of course, if you really want to spook people, the zombie look is the way to go.

“I think zombies are just an ‘in’ thing with all the movies that have come out and the series ‘The Walking Dead,’” said Halloween City General Manager Michele Zajac.

She was sporting a bloody and torn “House Wife Zombie” costume complete with wig and zombie shades.

Zajac said Monster High is big with girls. Angry Birds is selling well again including its Star Wars off-shoots like the Darth Vadar Pig.SAXO BANK Cycling

Ironically, the Star Wars costumes for kids aren’t selling as well as last year.

But Zajac said Ninja suits – for boys and girls – are very popular.

For the girls, anything fairy or princess-themed remains huge.

