
Dmitry Rogozin: Russian 'Robocop Cyborg' to kill terrorists

Russian experts are developing robots designed not only to minimize casualties in terrorist attacks but also to neutralize terrorists the Russian state finds to be potential threats, despite they haven’t yet done anything wrong.Watch enthusiasts are always satisfied with Breitling replica breitling watches at this site and we're sure you'll appreciate them, too.

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin says the “Robocop” is being developed alongside other anti-terror technologies, including those that can see terrorists through obstacles. The Russian defense industry Rogozin oversees hasn’t yet revealed exactly what these robots will be capable of or when they will be deployed, only that it is building them and that they would be able to evacuate injured soldiers and police or civilians from the scenes or terrorist attacks. They will also be able to engage terrorists at a distance without harming any hostages they might have.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has been criticizing the lethal two-legged weaponry since its November 2012 report called “Losing Humanity: The Case Against Killer Robots“. The report said such revolutionary weapons wouldn’t be consistent with international humanitarian law and would increase the risk of death or injury to civilians during armed conflict. A preemptive prohibition on their development and use is needed – there are five countries,With avant-garde design, best quality materials and the most subtle quality, replica hublot watches is the best alternative for expensive watches. however, already developing the so-called LAR (Lethal Autonomous Robotics), also known as “The Killer Robot”.

“These weapons would be incapable of meeting international humanitarian law standards, including the rules of distinction, proportionality, and military necessity. The weapons would not be constrained by the capacity for compassion, which can provide a key check on the killing of civilians. Fully autonomous weapons also raise serious questions of accountability because it is unclear who should be held responsible for any unlawful actions they commit,” HRW said.

Most of the similar military technologies existed now still require human to control it from afar, such as the famous drone aircraft, but the autonomous robots experts in Russia hope to develop will one day be able to make shoot-to-kill decisions on its own. Regardless of all the critics, it could become a fully fledged cyborg, says Forbes.Welcome to buy christian louboutin shoes from our online store.

In civilian realm, Dmitry Itskov, 32-year-old tycoon, is another Russian who has a plan to save humanity from impending doom – as reported in Digital Trend’s “How one Russian millionaire wants to save the world with immortal cyborgs”. He seeks to transpose human consciousness into artificial bodies within the next 30 years – in other word: cyborg. He believes furthering human evolution by combining human consciousness with technology is not only possible; it is the only crucial way to solve the crises that will one day face us all.Welcome to buy christian louboutin shoes from our online store.

Referring to the article, Mashable says Itskov’s basic idea is to be able to transfer a person's mind or consciousness from a living brain into a machine with that person's personality and memories intact. Freed of physical form, the person would exist in a network similar to the Internet and be able to travel at the speed of light all over the planet, or even into space.The Cheap Michael Kors Bags will provide you cheap but high-quality products. His first stage called Avatar A involves a person controlling a robotic human replica via a brain-machine interface (BMI), a technology that already exists today. He set 2020 as the deadline.

