
2012 Halloween Costume Ideas

You know that panicked moment the evening of Halloween when you stare at your closet and realize you have nothing at all in the way of a costume? We’ve all been there.

You can always throw a garbage bag with two eyeholes over your head and go as a ghost. But why not put a little effort in to it and avoid the mockery of your friends and colleagues.

We’ve got you covered with 10 costume ideas for this year’s festivities that are topical for 2012. Because, no, you cannot go as pregnant Beyonce two years in a row.

1. Naked Prince Harry

Everyone’s favorite royal black sheep has been in the news in a big way for his wild Vegas weekend. Just think long and hard about this if Halloween falls on a cold night.

What you’ll need:

That’s the best part. All you need to buy is a red wig and a pair of nude skivvies. Extra points if you can pull off a roguishly impish grin the whole night.

2. Any character from Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Thanks to Firehouse Theatre’s super popular run of the camp rock musical, S&M is having quite the mainstream moment in Richmond right now.

What you’ll need:

Drive to Priscilla’s. Ask the clerk for the bondage wear section. Browse the selection for anything with leather and chains. Pair with stilettos, over the top makeup and a lot of confidence.She pinned together blue broadcloth strips, the start of sleeves for canada goose parka jackets jacket.

3. Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln

You know that locally taken picture of Daniel Day-Lewis eating at Arcadia that made the Internet’s head explode? Use it as your guide to channel Daniel Day-Lewis channeling Lincoln. And, like Day-Lewis, go method and refuse to break character all night.

What you’ll need:

Black turtleneck, slightly Mom-ish jeans, a distinguished mane of graying hair, full on Lincoln beard, and the ability to project total and utter authority even while picking at a salad.

4. An unimpressed McKayla Maroney

Sure McKayla Maroney caught our attention with her gravity defying vaults that led the Americans to a team gold. But she stole our hearts with her openly hostile lack of enthusiasm at the vault medal ceremony.

What you’ll need:

Gray tracksuit with a USA patch (you can achieve this with markers and tape), a fake silver medal with a purple ribbon, a very high ponytail with a white scrunchie, a perpetual side-frown/sour look.

5. Ryan Lochte

You can either go Olympian Lochte or party boy Lochte, depending on your comfort level with a Speedo.

What you’ll need:

For Olympian Lochte: a Speedo, goggles, a swim cap, a fake gold medal and a gem-encrusted, American flag grill.

For party boy Lochte: sunglasses, an expensive looking suit complete with pocket square, a fake gold medal and a bevy of beautiful ladies as your entourage.

6. Snooki and baby

So fine, everyone and their mom has gone as Snookie the last few years. But that just means someone you know has an old Snookie costume you can borrow to make life a little easier.

What you’ll need:

Borrow or reuse an "old" Snookie costume: tight, strapless, leopard print dress, a beehive wig and a heck of a lot of sunless tanner. Purchase a plastic baby doll, color it orange and carry it with you all night.

7. Bobak Ferdowski,Plain knee length kurtas with straight pajamas and canada goose parka jacket looked elegant and wearable. the sexy NASA geek

When the Mars Curiosity made its official touchdown in August, a star was born. And it had nothing to do with little green Martians. It was Bobak Ferdowski, the Mohawked flight director who quickly became an Internet sensation.

What you’ll need:

Gentlemen, if you really want to pull a Bobak,Something that has Garmin Cycling still shaking his head a year after Tucker introduced the bill. you’ll need to shave your head into a Mohawk, dye the tips of it red, and then die little yellow stars into the side. If you want to be a weenie, you can create a faux hawk with gel and some washable hair coloring. To complete the look wear a blue polo shirt, a phone headset and a NASA badge around your neck.

8. The Bill’s BBQ Pig

In honor of the great, recently departed Richmond institution, let your pig flag fly.

What you’ll need:

This one is slightly up to personal interpretation. But start with a pig costume (you can find various ones online or at local costume stores), a green blazer, a bowtie, and a Styrofoam cup labeled "limeade." If you’re in Richmond, anyone with a heart will get it.

9. Tobias from Arrested Development

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve heard that the criminally under-watched, cult favorite TV show, Arrested Development, will return for a new season on Netflix next year.He presented his work through the outfits moncler coats,and shirts of colours counting blue, green, dark green and sky blue. Celebrate the return of the Bluths by dressing as never-nude Tobias.

What you’ll need:

Glasses, a bushy mustache and cut-off jean shorts. Extra points if you paint yourself blue.

10. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
Because how many other times is it socially acceptable to carry around a bow and arrows?

